Have you ever heard a weird noise coming from your car while driving? A whizzing noise, or maybe even a whining noise? Just like our cars, our bodies sometimes do weird things: Heavy breathing, unexplained weight loss, unending fatigue, frequent  visits to the bathroom or unusual headaches

Just like our cars, when weird things happen, it is a signal that something may be wrong, and we need to take a deeper look into what and why: We need to go in for servicing at the mechanic. The equivalent to getting your car serviced every 5000 miles (generally twice a year) is a visit to the physician for a regular check up. 

Prevention or manage chronic illness

Prevention and management of chronic illness and living a healthy lifestyle is the secret to staying healthy in the long run. A little context may help. According to the CDC:

One-third of all US deaths are from heart disease, stroke, or other cardiovascular diseases every year. About 108 million US adults (1 in 3) have high blood pressure. Only about half (48%) of these people have their high blood pressure under control. About 7 in 10 people who have a first heart attack and 8 in 10 people who have a first stroke have high blood pressure.

More than 34 million Americans have diabetes. Another 88 million US adults are pre-diabetic. Adults with diabetes are 2 to 3 times as likely to die of heart disease or have a stroke as people who do not have diabetes. 

About 31 million adults aged 50 or older are inactive, meaning that they get no physical activity beyond that of daily living. Low levels of physical activity can contribute to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some kinds of cancer, and obesity

Many chronic illnesses such as the ones stated above are easily preventable with proper attention. Yearly visits to the doctor and a review of vitals/lab results can go a long way in maintaining your health and getting rid of potential threats in their infancy. You and your doctor work collaboratively to set health goals and create a plan of how to achieve these goals through daily habits and protocols. 

Every disease is different and must be monitored differently. Getting the appropriate testing done by a Physician on a yearly basis, can detect the potential diseases in its early stages,  typically, when it can be delayed or prevented.

Victor Marceano, Chief Nursing Officer

Much like the breakdown, both diagnostic and early warnings, from a mechanic at your car service appointment, a Physician can empower you with the knowledge and practical tools to live a lifestyle that prevents and protects you from chronic illness.

Establish a Good Relationship with your Physician

Having a relationship with your doctor is like having an expert partner in keeping your body in optimal condition. An annual visit is comparable to yearly tune-up or semiannual oil change. It is important to remember that we are more complex than the average car and to receive the maximum benefits from a doctor’s visit a strong doctor-patient relationship is a critical component. Here are a few ways to enable that:

Finding a doctor to trust is an important decision. Take the time to research and request to meet prospective doctors before making a decision to trust someone with your most valuable possession: yourself.

Doctors have a wealth of knowledge. However, they want to make sure that they are addressing your concerns. Preparing for your appointment and even taking a cheat sheet of notes would go a long way to establishing and strengthening the relationship with your Physician. 

Do not be afraid to ask questions or have the Doctor explain something again. This is a quick-win to ever feeling that your appointment was rushed. 

Building a relationship with your primary care physician leads to greater focus and increased quality in care. But both parties are required to put in effort to make such a relationship work. 

At Synergy Health Advisors in New Jersey, we offer a range of Physician services from annual check ups, sick visits and general health consultation. We also welcome same-day appointments. Our physicians and nurses are eager and sincere to help patients identify risks and set them on track to live a healthy lifestyle that not only addresses their unique health risks, but empowers them with knowledge and motivation to take charge of their health.